Friday, March 27, 2015

Our Week In Review

Today being Friday, it makes sense that a quick rundown of our week is in order.. The kids have been very busy with their lessons and with trying out new curriculum. I've been pretty blessed that my kids are all easy going and for the most part are willing to try just about anything we do, to some degree.. LOL

First, the big excitement in our house this week is that we got a small table to go in the living room where the kids can eat their lunch and do their work without sitting on the floor all the time. Not bad for a 30 dollar investment, for sure :)

Our new and improved school area :)   With a great view

Here's some of what we're currently working with; history, science, art, handwriting and literature

We're still reading through "Little House in the Big Woods" and are about halfway though it at this point. We read 1-3 chapters a week, depending on the size of the chapter.

This week we started a new history curriculum with "The Mystery Of History" Volume 1.  Always a great place to start, we began our lesson about the story of Creation and a run down of what God created on each day.   Wednesday we tackled the story of Adam and Eve and then today we quickly covered Jubal and Tubal - Cain.

Mystery of History all ready to go

Coloring our Minibook on Creation

For Math we started a new review with A+ Tutorsoft. This week we reviewed mathematics and the kids did some worksheets that go along with the program but it was a bit more in depth then what their previous math book covered  so I think we will actually start the program from the beginning and see how they do with it.. Dad even jumped in during their math session and was helping them with the worksheets.

Continuing with our Botany book by Apologia the kids discussed vascular and non vascular plants, xylem and phloem, and mosses.

Observing Moss

Experiment using paper towels to observe non-vascular plants

Drawing what they were observing

Their least favorite thing: Copy Work

Ashleigh has bee working with me on on a review of New American Handwriting by Memoria Press.  This week we worked hard on the letter B. So far she really enjoys doing the writing assignment although she does occasionally rush through the letters and I have to erase and make her take her time.

The kids have also been working hard on a review for Artistic Pursuits. We've been working on this on Tuesdays and Thursdays and while Ashleigh seems more into it then Garrett is, they have both been enjoying playing with watercolor crayons.

Ashleigh celebrated her birthday yesterday and so I made some cupcakes for them to enjoy. We don't do the sweets thing very often so when they do get cake or cookies, it's usually a big deal.. While we're waiting til this weekend to celebrate her birthday with cake and presents, she did get a present early, a pair of headphones (which are honestly more a present for Dad and myself. .haha) which she was thrilled about. Now she can do LaLaLogic on her Dreamtab without disturbing anyone.

The warm weather has been bringing alot of visitors to our house and the kids have been having a blast observing all the wildlife coming and going..  First, the House Finches have returned to build a nest in the satellite dish outside their window and there are five eggs inside.  We've had various hummingbirds visiting our feeders, a family of bunnies visiting the yard every morning, and this morning we were visited by a oriole who wanted a drink from the hummingbird feeder in our back yard.

House Finch Eggs

Our Peeping Tom

Overall, it's been a great week for all of us :) 

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