Tuesday, July 14, 2015

These are a Few of My Favorite Things... { July Blogging Challenge }

Okay, admit it.. You read that titled and heard Julie Andrews singing in your head, didn't you??  Sorry for the earworm but today's prompt for the July Blogging Challenge asks what are a few of my favorite things and well, you just can't help but read that and think "The Sound of Music" lol.

Sooo, what exactly are some of my favorite things you might ask.. Well, let me make a list in no particular order....

1.) My family  but then, I'm bias ;)
2.)  Reading... I'm an avid bookworm and I love to read.
3.)  Disney World... Luckily I married a man who enjoys it just as much as I do
4.)  Disney Movies.. particularly Beauty and the Beast, Oliver and Company and the Lion King
5.)  The internet.. I am WAYYYY to addicted to the web
6.)  Fried Green Tomatoes.. the food, not the movie.
7.)  Once Upon a Time.. the ABC network series.. lol
8.)  Hugh Jackman.. hey, what can I say, he's easy on the eyes and a wonderful actor.
9.)  My friends.. while I have very few of them, the ones I have are priceless.
10.)  Crawfish and Boudain.. growing up in Southeast Texas has a lot of Cajun influences
11.)  Friday night Football at the PNG Reservation.. Purple and White on a field of Green.. the prettiest site I've ever seen
12.)  My Kindle Fire.. from reading books, surfing the internet and listening to an audiobook when I go to sleep, it does it all :)
13.)  Killer Whales
14.)  Blue Bell Ice Cream..... hey, listeria tastes mighty good
15.)  Coca-cola .. I'm a coke addict and not drinking coke will be the hardest part of doing the Whole30 challenge
16.)  Long hot soaks in a bath (while reading on my Kindle)
17.)  HOCKEY.... Especially the Colorado Avalanche :)
and last but not least
18.)  TEXAS... you can take the gal out of Texas but you will never take the Texas out of the gal.

1 comment:

  1. So fun to see others that love hockey and Coca-Cola!!


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