Friday, March 24, 2017

Embrace (Five Minute Friday)

Wow, another week has come and gone.  It's been busy busy here at the Prince Household and I've dropped the ball the last couple of weeks on getting around to my 5 Minute Friday post but I had a few minutes (Five to be exact  haha) to write this week.

  If you're unfamiliar with FMF, each week a word is given and you spend 5 minutes (no more than that) interpreting the word as it means to you.  It's hosted by Kate at the blog Heading Home. Each week, Kate invites other bloggers to reflect and write for five minutes on a word for that week. 

If your interested in joining up, by all means, click on the graphic below and join in the fun.

This week's word is Embrace.

Embracing can have so many meanings.. A hug, a touch, a caress.  We think of lovers, of friends, of our children.  But when is the last time you embraced yourself?

It's hard to love ourselves.  We see our faults, we know the wrongs that we have done, even if those around us do not.  I've struggled long and hard to love myself for who I am.  Years ago I couldn't fathem loving myself, until that one day, when I realized that no matter what I've said or done, no matter who I may have wronged in my life, or who may have wronged me and left those emotional scares on me and left me damaged, that there's been one who has embraced me and kept me close to their hearts every single day of my life.

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.  

Jeremiah 1:5
My Lord has embraced me ever single day that I have walked this earth, even before.  He knows every hurt, every fault in my character, every mistake I have made.  And yet, he still embraces me and holds me close. 

When I turned my back on him, thinking my way was the better way, he was still there in the wings, waiting patiently, even if it hurt him to do so, allowing me to find my way back to him. And when I finally managed, he led me to that green pasture, to those still waters.  

If Jesus can embrace me, though everything, then I need to learn to embrace myself. I need to be like him, learning to love myself and to accept the fact there are things that I cannot change but to instead love myself like he loves me. 


  1. It's so comforting to remember that God's love for us never fails and he embraces us through it all. I agree it's only when we grasp that we can begin to embrace ourselves.

  2. Yes, "Embracing can have so many meanings." Good thoughts about accepting oneself as connected to embracing, and of course, Jesus makes that possible. Visiting from #38.

  3. So beautiful - how God was there, waiting through it all, to lead you to his green pastures. I think this is a beautiful picture of "embrace": learning to love ourselves because Jesus loved us first.

    Glad to read your post today. I've only been doing #FMF since January and am really enjoying the writing and the community.

    Jeannie (#27 in linkup)

  4. I agree, it's taken years for me to learn to love myself. Glad to meet you through #fmf. I'm at 14 this week.


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