Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Page A Day Math (A Homeschool Crew Review)

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Page a Day Math was extremely generous to the members of the Review Crew and gave members the digital version of their product all five of their Page a Day Math kits - Pre-K Math (ages 3-5),  Addition (ages 5-7), Subtraction (ages 6-8), Multiplication (ages 6-8) and Division (ages 6-9).  Each kit contains over 6 months worth of practice per math skill.

For this review, we have been using the digital download version of the
Multiplication Starter Kit

This kit contained 12 digital workbooks, each containing 550 problems featuring a cast of 5 dogs (Flo, Mo, Bo, Zo and Jo) deemed "The Math Squad". Each digital workbook uses an incremental system that focuses on one multiplication family - Book 1 works on the 1 times tables, book 2 focuses on the 2xs, book 3 on the 3xs and so on, ending with the 12xs.  With each book, the student completes one page (front and back) from the workbook.  Pages are dates with the day in order to easily keep track of the next assignment.  Each page has 40 problems for the student to complete.

Each day then focuses on 1 multiplication fact of the family.  So, for example, when working on book 1, the first day would be 0x1.  For that day, since that is the first multiplication fact learned, the student will focus only on 0x1 as well as a review of addition and subtraction.  Day 2, the student will work on 1x1 in addition to reviewing 0x1 and more addition and subtraction.  Day 3 focuses on 2x1, day 4 is 3x1, and on Day 13, the student learned 12x1. As they learn more facts in this book, the addition and subtraction problems are replaced with reviewing the previous multiplication facts.  Once they have completed day 13, they are given a review on Day 14 to make sure they have learned all the multiplication facts of that family.
If they pass the review, the student is awarded a certificate that the parent prints out showing they completed and mastered the book and they begin the process over with the next book. 

Each book follows the same pattern, although after Book 1 Day 3 there are no longer addition and subtraction problems but review over material learned in both the current and previous books.

While we have only been using the multiplication kit at this time, the other kits offered by Page a Day for Addition, Subtraction, and Division follow the same format. ( Book 1 of Addition, the book starts with 0+1 and works through 10+10 in Book 10, ect. )

Also included with each math kit comes with bonus material such as flashcards to use with the workbooks, an assessment to be used with the student to help pinpoint which math fact family needs to be worked on, and also some handwriting files to help students master their cursive writing (I'll talk briefly about these towards the end of the review.)

How We Used Them

While these digital workbooks are aimed for students younger than mine (my kids are 12 and 13), they still worked perfectly for what I needed - additional practice for the kids to really focus and memorize their multiplication (and eventually division) facts. 

These pages were super easy for us to insert into our homeschool day. I would simply print out the kids and they would complete them before we started our math lesson for the day.  Typically the sheet takes them less than 10 minutes, so it doesn't add much time to our school day.

As the kids are struggling with memorizing multiplication facts, I decided to start them there. So far, they have progressed to book 4.  We went thru the first two books fairly quickly as it dead with the 1xs and 2xs, which the kids already have a firm grasp on.  However, once we got to book 3 (multiples of 3s), we slowed down and began using a page a day each day.

We have kept that pace on through book 4 (multiples of 4).  We shall most likely speed through book 5 when we get to it, as that book is over multiples of 5 and again, the kids have a good grasp on that fact family already.  After that we will return to the 1 page a day pace for the remaining multiplication books.

Once we finish with the multiplication kid, I plan on continuing with division using the same page a day format.

In addition to the digital kits, we were also given the use of the Page a Day Math handwriting books. Most of these workbooks are available for both print and cursive teachings (depending on the buyers preference) and use fun themes to make learning to write fun.  Themes include fun topics like "My First Biology Words", "Fun Physics", "Scenic States" and more.  There are 17 themed workbooks available at this time.

Using a page a day, students are given words that they simply trace to begin learning how to write them.  Blank lined practice pages are also available towards the end of the workbooks for the student to practice on their own.  Each book contains 20 pages but can be printed out as many times and necessary for handwriting practice. 

My final assessment:  I HIGHLY recommend these math kits if you have a student who is struggling with basic mathematical facts.  Even with my children being outside of the targeted age range for the product, I found the product extremely useful and this really seems to be the first product I have found that drills the math facts without being overbearing.

#hsreviews #pageadaymath #pageadaymathwiththemathsquad

You can find more information on Page a Day Math by visiting their website.  You can also find them on the following social media sites:

Members of the crew have been using both the Page a Day Math kits as well as the handwriting books with their students.  Some members also elected to receive a physical kit of their choice. Be sure to click the banner below to be taken to their reviews and see if Page a Day Math will work for your family.

Daily Math & Handwriting (Print + Cursive) {Page a Day Math Reviews}

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