Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Weekend Meal Planning (Late Edition)
I totally forgot to post the weekend meal plan on Sunday and only thought of it as I'm sitting here listening to the music of my bread machine making another wonderful loaf of bread - French today. Yesterday I made a really nice loaf of olive oil and garlic bread to go with tomato soup.
Nothing says home, family and love to me like the smell of baking bread. I absolutely love my bread machine and I use it pretty regularly and my family is always excited when they hear the whirl of the paddle as it mixes up whatever dough I've decided to make that day. It's actually my second bread machine - the first one I received in 1994 and used it until Nov of 2017. It was getting worn out and Charles bought me a new one that was a Black Friday deal. I hope it lasts just as long, with just as much loaves and love as the old one.
Last week, I changed up one of the meals and we had Sesame Beef with broccoli and green bean stir-fry with rice instead of the Chicken Florentine so that's why the chicken dish is repeated.
Our menu for this week
Sunday - Burgers with potato wedges and spinach and strawberry salad
Monday - Tortellini Tomato Soup with Italian green salad and olive oil garlic bread
Tuesday - Chicken Florentine with spaghetti and french bread
Wednesday - Rotisserie Chicken with butter beans, turnip/mustard greens and mac and cheese
Thursday - Tater Tot Casserole with corn and salad
Friday - Chicken Parmesan Crescents with broccoli and salad
Saturday - Out to Eat
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Exploring Creation with General Science (A Homeschool Crew Review)
For the last few years, the kids have worked their way through the various science courses offered by Apologia for the elementary grade level. They have loved learning about botany, astronomy, anatomy and physiology, and zoology with the Young Explorer series. Now that they are a bit older, it was the perfect time for us to move up to the next level of their science learning and begin the middle school level.

I had already had my eyes on Apologia's Exploring Creation with General Science, 3rd Edition to use with
the kids. This course was designed to give middle school students a strong understanding of general sciences as they transition from the elementary courses, creating a solid platform of knowledge for them to build upon as they progress thru middle school and on to high school science courses, all with a Christian worldview.
The course is written by Sherri Seligson, who also wrote the Apologia curriculum Exploring Creation with Marine Biology. It is written for a middle school level, preferably 7th grade level, although for this review I am using it with my two students who are 5th/6th grade but are very advanced in their science knowledge.
For this review, we were given the General Science Basic Set, which included the textbook, one student notebook, the solutions and test manual and the test booklet. I purchased a second copy of the student notebook in order to use this curriculum with both Garrett and Ashleigh, as each student needs to have their own copy of the student notebook.
First, let me take a few moments to describe the books.
The first book is the hardback textbook. This 434 page full color textbook features 14 modules that cover a large portion of general science teaching.
Each module focuses on one aspect of science and builds upon itself. For example, the first module introduce the history of science and how scientists use research from those before them to pursue their own findings. The next few modules then introduce the students in how to follow the scientific method to perform their own research, how to document and how to interpret the results they find. Each of these steps are important to them as they perform their own experiments as they proceed thru the rest of the book.
The fourteen modules are :
Module 1 - The History of Science
Module 2 - Scientific Inquiry and the Scientific Method
Module 3 - Documenting and Interpreting Experimental Results
Module 4 - Scientific Analysis and History
Module 5 - Earth Science - Astronomy
Module 6 - Earth Science - Geology and Paleontology
Module 7 - Earth Science - Meteorology and Oceanography
Module 8 - General Chemistry
Module 9 - General Physics
Module 10 - Life Science
Module 11 - General Biology
Module 12 - Marine Science
Module 13 - Environmental Science
Module 14 - Science and Creation
The end of the book also contains pages for quick reference for lab supplies (listed first by module and then by experiment - making it super easy to plan ahead for experiments) as well as a index for looking up names and topics quickly.
Each module takes roughly 2-2.5 weeks to complete when working at a pace of roughly 45-60 minutes a day for 4 days a week, allowing completion of all 14 modules in a 33 week school year. Depending on your personal school year and pace, this is easily modified to fit the curriculum into your own personal school year.
Modules contain a wide variety of activities for the students to work on. A number of recommended experiments are included throughout each module that should be completed for the curriculum. Additional "Explore More" boxes are also included and while are not necessary to complete for the curriculum, they do help the student to better understand the concept being taught.

Also, like every other Apologia textbook, this edition of General Science includes the password to register your book with the website. Doing so gives you access to additional resources that can be used with the course.
Student Notebook
The Student Notebook is a 552 page, softcover spiral bound companion book for the text and is required for the course. The notebook provides activities that accompany the text, such as easy to understand graphics for labeling, fill in the blank portions for note taking while reading, vocabulary portions for new concepts, and questions for critical thinking.
The notebook also provides sections for each of the various experiments found in the text where students work on documenting their hypothosis, procedures, and results.

While some experiments are recorded in the portion for the module, it should also be noted that some of the other experiments, those that ask the student to use the scientific method (creating a hypothosis, documenting equipment used, ect) is recorded in pages toward the back of the student notebook.
Also included in the student notebook is a full schedule to show their daily assignments and as well as a section to keep track of their grades. Students can check off their assignments daily to stay on track and also provides a visual reminder of what needs to be completed each day.
Solutions and Test Manual/Tests

An 83 page black and white softcover book containing the correct answers for the study guides as well as the answers for the tests for 13 modules (module 14 does not include a test and so does not need a study guide). The manual also includes how much to weigh each question when grading the tests to acquire an accurate grade to record.
Also included with the manual is the test for each module (again, minus module 14). This is a 31 page packet containing the tests to be given without answers. Each page is perforated if the preference is to remove the test from the packet or the entire packet can be given to the student for them to complete.
Also available for this science curriculum is an MP3 Audio CD which contains the complete audio recording of the course. A video lesson thumb drive containing video lessons taught by Sherri Seligson is also available with this course, however, members of the crew did not review these two items at this time.
How We Used It:
We have been using the recommended schedule of working through the curriculum 4 days a week (Mon-Thursday). We have completed two modules and will begin the third module this week. This includes all reading, activities, and experiments as well as completion of the study guides and two module tests.
We appreciate the Christian worldview that Apologia sciences presents to the kids - and while we don't agree with everything (for example, we do not adhere to the young earth theory that some Christian science courses hold as truth), I am always happy to present them with a science that reflects our belief in Creation versus being slugs that drug ourselves out of some cosmic ooze. I ESPECIALLY appreciated the fact that this book approaches the fact that all science, including this book, approach science with a particular worldview that they belief and that it is up to the students to recognize the worldview and how it affects the scientific data being presented.
I was a bit hesitant when it came to the student notebook with Garrett - he hates writing and typically whines and cries when he has to write anything. However, it seems that Garrett is so interested in the material being presented, he doesn't seem to mine filling out his notebook each day. He also looks forward to finishing the work each day so that he can make a check in the box on his schedule, giving him a sense of accomplishment and completion.
Since we only have one copy of the textbook, we are working together on our lessons, however, this curriculum would be simple for a student to use independently or with very little instruction from the teacher.
I personally found the text book to be written in such a way that it can easily hold the kids attention, give plenty of guidance for us to have a fairly in depth discussion in regards to what we've read, and walk away from the lesson having learned something.
While material itself has been very interesting but the experiments are the highlight of the course. Almost every day, there's some sort of activity or experiment for the kids to complete. We have been aiming to complete both the scheduled experiments as well as the "Explore More" boxes. Most experiments use everyday items that you probably already have around the house (although, for the life of me, I did not have a paperclip needed for one experiment and had to substitute something else - which the kids diligently documented in their student notebook when asked for changes we had to make in materials). Some experiments do require special items such as beakers, insulated copper wires, and Alum for example but there are no hugely expensive items that will break the bank.
Overall, I am very happy with the curriculum and even had it not been a review item for us, I would have purchased this curriculum regardless. The fact that even Garrett made a passing grade on both of his module tests demonstrates to me that they are definitely learning the material. To be honest, I'm learning right along side them as I had no idea what quanta was ;)
For more information about Apologia and Exploring Creation with General Science, 3rd Edition, be sure to visit their website. You can also find Apologia on the following social media sites:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/apologiaworld/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/apologiaworld
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/apologia/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiaworld/
Be sure to click the banner below to find out what other members of the Review Crew thought about Exploring Creation with General Science, 3rd Edition.

Sunday, July 21, 2019
Weekend Meal Planning
Another Sunday, which means another week of planning meals.. I'm in a bit of a rut right now, so I just went all willy nilly on picking stuff from a meal planning website that supplied recipes and shopping lists just to have it done with.. If your interested, I use a website called Cooksmarts.com .. It is a subscription site but I think I pay like 21 bucks every three months to use it, so it's really reasonable.
Sunday - Texas Chili with cornbread muffins
Monday - Taco Salad with Ground Turkey and honey-adobo dressing
Tuesday - Leftover Chili Nachos with pico de gallo and romaine salad
Wednesday - General Tso’s Chicken with steamed broccoli and rice
Thursday - Chicken Florentine with spaghetti and salad
Friday - Pizza Margherita with Italian tossed salad
Saturday - Slow-Cooker Irish Beef Stew with carrots and potatoes
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Weekend Meal Planning
I know it's been a while since I've done a weekend meal planning post.. I swear, I have been feeding my family. But with my husband being gone for over a month and then a friend visiting, the posting of our menu has slipped my mind.
Sunday Pork Tenderloin with balsamic farro and zucchini spears
Monday Smoked Salmon Breakfast Bowl with paprika roasted potato and sauted spinach
Tuesday Mexican Hash with sweet potatoes / pinto beans / bell peppers / avocados / eggs
Wednesday Salmon-Basil Burgers with green bean “fries”
Thursday Tortellini Tomato Soup with Italian green salad and garlic bread
Friday Red Wine Braised Short Ribs with mashed potatoes and mixed greens
Saturday Shrimp Boil with corn, red potatoes and green salad
Thursday, July 11, 2019
The Heart Changer ( A Homeschool Crew Review )
My family loves books. My oldest daughter can go through a 500 page book in less than a day if given the option. On average, I read roughly 60 books a year. I have tried really hard to pass my love of reading on to my children and have seen Ashleigh begin to enjoy books more and more and I believe there's still hope for Garrett as I find himself drawn more and more into the stories we read aloud during our reading time.
Occasionally, we find a book that the entire family can enjoy together and so we are able to sit down as a family and read a chapter or two aloud together, discuss what was read and hopefully find a valuable lesson to learn from among the pages. Recently, my family had the opportunity to read aloud the book The Heart Changer , the debut novel from Jarm Del Boccio, Author and found it to be a book that offered something for each member of my family to learn from.
The Heart Changer
by Jarm Del Boccio
Genres: Fiction, Middle Grade
ISBN: 9781620208687
112 pages
The Heart Changer is the fictionalized retelling of the story of Naaman, the Syrian Army Commander from 2 Kings whom was told to bathe in the Jordan seven times to be cleaned of Leprosy. The story is told from the perspective of Miriam, a twelve year old Israeli girl captured during a raid on her village and brought into Syria. Forced to serve as maidservant to the wive of the Commander who led the raid that could possible have killed her family, Miriam is full of anger and resentment. Faced with a hostile rival as well as her own bitterness towards her new master, Miriam faces the unknown and feelings that the Lord has either abandoned her or her lack of strong faith brought down his punishment upon her. Little does she knows he instead is preparing her for a greater mission - beyond what she could have imagined.
This historical fiction selection is appropriate for readers 7-12 and a free teacher's guide is available for digital download.
About Jarm Del Boccio (Author)
Jarm (’J’ pronounced as a ‘Y’) Del Boccio is a former teacher and librarian, and a current teacher at SchoolhouseTeachers.com, Jarm’s passion is to make the Bible and history come alive for her readers. She believes that with the inspiration of the past, children can be come heroes of their own stories. Jarm is content with the journey God has placed her on, and lives with her husband, son and daughter (when they are at home) in a tree-lined suburb of Chicago.
Our Opinion
We really enjoyed using this book as a read aloud for family time each afternoon. The story was simply written and easy to understand for the kids but wasn't "kiddiefied" to the extent that the adults of the family would zone out while we read it. The story really pulled everyone in and kept everyone's attention.
The theme of how God can create change in your heart is ever present in the story, as it is shown using several different characters. How Miriam's heart changed towards Naaman and his wife, towards another young servant in the household (and the change in the heart of that servant towards Miriam as well), and ultimately the change in the hearts of Naaman and his wife, each play a significant role in the story. Ultimately, this is a story about forgiveness and putting our faith in the plans that the Lord has for us.
To find out more information about Jarn Del Boccio and The Heart Changer, be sure to visit the author's website. You can find out more information at the following social media sites:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JarmDelBoccio/
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/JarmVee
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIcs5IpR56kqsj1z4Co2Bew?view_as=subscriber+%28Jarm+Del+Boccio%2C+Author%29
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jarmdelboccio/
Be sure to click the banner below to read what other members of the Crew thought of
The Heart Changer

Tuesday, July 9, 2019
The Butterflies (A Early Wordless Wednesday)
I know it's only Tuesday but wanted to get my Wordless Wednesday post up early.. lol
When we attended the homeschool convention, the kids begged for us to get a new butterfly kit.. A few days later, we received our kit with five teeny tiny caterpillars. Over the course of two weeks, we have watched them grow, enter the chrysalis phase and then emerge as butterflies.. They will be released later today.
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
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