DISCLAIMER. I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
When it comes to college entry, your student’s high school transcript is without a doubt the most important key to college acceptance. Very rarely will a college meet in person with your student for an interview to determine if they will be accepted into their program – instead, this single piece of paper, printed in black and white, is what separates your child from the rest of other applicants. With so much riding on a simple piece of paper, homeschool parents often struggle with exactly what they should include on their student’s official transcript. The Total Transcript Solution from The HomeScholar LLC is the perfect answer to perfecting the perfect transcript for your student.
About The HomeScholar LLC
The HomeScholar LLC was created by husband and wife team Matt and Lee Binz, a homeschooling family who has focused their expertise on homeschooling to completion of high school. With more than 15 years of assisting other homeschool families to confidently homeschool their children not only thru high school but also entering college, they have turned their experience with homeschooling their own children into an effort to help other families succeed through teaching higher grades with tips and advice on meeting state educational guidelines as well as meeting criteria required for college entry.
When it comes to college entry, your student’s high school transcript is without a doubt the most important key to college acceptance. Very rarely will a college meet in person with your student for an interview to determine if they will be accepted into their program – instead, this single piece of paper, printed in black and white, is what separates your child from the rest of other applicants.
About The Total Transcript Solution
The Total Transcript Solution is a web based video seminar designed to walk parents step by step thru the process of creating a transcript that helps to showcase your students educational achievements as well as highlight their strengths. With more than 8 hours of training that includes video, audio, downloadables, and resources, the course covers not only the process of making the perfect transcript, but also topics such as grades, credits, GPA, creating course titles in order to meet the requirements of most college admittance and how to highlight extra curricular activities and volunteer work to really create a polished document that will get college acceptance.
The Total Transcript Solution course is broken down into 4 individual modules. Each of these are easily found, along with their resources, on the user dashboard.
The first module is the video instruction. This is a 7 hour video course taught by Lee Binz where she explains what is a transcript, why it is important, and how to find tune it so that it will reflect the uniqueness of your homeschool and your student. Binz also explains to determine grades and assign credits as well as how to calculate your student’s GPA. This module also has a downloadable audio file that parents can listen to offline, as well as course handouts and sample transcripts to provide visual examples to accompany the lessons.
The second module of the program is the Ebook portion of the course. This includes a downloadable 109 page PDF book written by Lee Binz that provides a printable reference that covers the information covered in the video seminar, as well as additional information that was not presented in the video. This book also contains sample transcripts to use as reference when writing your own student’s transcript, making it a great reference to keep beside the computer and refer to when sitting down to write your student’s transcript.
Module 3 provides various transcript templates, some prefilled out to use as reference as well as blank templates to fill out for your student. These are provided in various formats such as Word, Rich Text Format, Excel, and Apple Pages format.
The fourth module isn’t a module so much, but is an additional service included with the purchase of the course. The course includes one twenty-minute private phone consultation with Mrs Binz to discuss ideas and issues with your student’s transcript. Purchasers are able to email their student’s documents ahead of time and arrange for the phone conversation to discuss what improvements or changes can be made. In my opinion, this is a wonderful service and would be extremely helpful for any parent looking to help their child get into their first choice college as the small details can be what makes or breaks their application or awarding of scholarships.
While both of my kids are still middle school, they will both be entering 9th Grade in 1 year and will begin their high school years, so I really appreciate having this valuable resource available ahead of time to prepare me ahead of time. It prepares me to know what I need to do and how to keep the records I need from the start, rather than getting frustrated and having to try to organize everything during their senior year. By knowing from the start, I can begin their transcript in the 9th grade and have it correct from the start throughout their high school years.
I think this is a great resource and would be valuable to any parent who is going to homeschool their student through high school.
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