DISCLAIMER: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew
Sometimes, understanding the main points of the Bible can be challenging, I'm always looking for ways to make our Bible study time easier, especially for the kids. So when I was given the opportunity to review Bible Breakdowns from Teach Sunday School, I was pretty interested to see how I could incorporate this resource into our own Bible study each day.
For this review, we were given a the digital PDF copies for both the Old Testament and New Testament, with one PDF file for each. Each book of the Bible has it's own corresponding page that is easy to print out and keep as a reference sheet for that book. The only exception to the one page rule is for the book of Matthew, which has two pages. These pages are easy to print out and the purchase license allows for the buyer to print as many times as needed for personal, family, or single church/school use. (License for multiple schools or churches can be purchased separately.)
Following the synopsis, there is graphic to help bring your attention quickly to a few facts regarding the book. These graphics give general information, such as how many chapters are in the book, what type of book it is (history, law, prophecy, gospel, epistle, ect), a rough time span of when the book was written and what period of time it covers, and who the author of the book is believed to be.
The final section of each page breaks down the book by chapter and verse with a thematic listing that focuses on what those verses are about. A checkbox is provided beside each section, allowing the user to easily use the Bible Breakdown as a Bible Study/Reading Plan and keep track of what they have read thus far. The breakdown also makes use of a color coded system that highlights classic Bible stories such as the Christmas story in Matthew, the Crucifixion and Resurrection in all four Gospels, the plagues of Egypt in Exodus, Daniel in the Lion's Den in Daniel, ect. A final section included contains "Most Popular Verses" from each book, including a ranking that shows the popularity of that verse in comparison of both the book itself as well as compared to the rest of the Bible.
This format is used for all 66 books found in the standard Protestant Bible. For my Catholic readers, please note that the 7 addition Deuterocanon books found in the Catholic Bible are not included in the Bible Breakdowns.
Using Bible Breakdowns
Looking over Bible Breakdown simplistic design, there are endless ways that these can easily be incorporated into your daily Bible time, family study time, or even for a Sunday school class or Bible study.
For this review, we used them two different ways. First, the kids have been studying the Book of James with their morning Bible study for their homeschool curriculum, so I was able to simply print out the Breakdown for James, punch holes in the page, and the kids were able to keep this sheet at the beginning of their Bible section of their daily notebooks. For our first 6 weeks of school, we focused on James 1, Verses 1-12. The Bible Breakdown sheet informed them that the main focus of this particular section was about Testing Your Faith.
The second way I personally used the Bible Breakdown was with my own women's Bible Studies. Currently, I am involved in two studies, one focused on the Book of 2nd Timothy and a second study that doesn't focus on a particular book in itself but jumps around to various parts of scripture. This allowed for me to use the Bible Breakdowns two significantly different ways. For the 2nd Timothy study, which follows the book verse by verse, I was able to print out the sheet and simply tuck it in the study workbook that we are currently using and use it as reference to help me focus on main topics of the verses as well as to use the "Most Popular Verses" as a reference for two verses to memorize.
For the second Bible study, I found that downloading the Bible Breakdowns to my tablet worked best, since I couldn't know ahead of time which book we would be reading from each week. By downloading the files, I could simply open the file on my tablet once we began reading, have it opened beside my Bible, and use it as a quick reference for our reading.
The only issue I've had with the sheets is that when printing in grey scale on a monotone printer, such as the laser printer I use, is that the blue text indicating classic Bible stories is indistinguishable from the rest of the text. This isn't a problem with the sheets themselves, but is a slight limitation for those printing them out in grey scale and would like having that additional reference available to them. When printed in color, the blue text would be apparent and when viewing on my tablet, again, this text is apparent.
To find more information about Bible Breakdowns, as well as the vast line of other Bible study products offered by Teach Sunday School, be sure to visit their website. You can also find more information about Teach Sunday School on these social media platforms.
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These Bible Breakdowns sheets are a great addition for quick reference for any Bible story and can be used in so many ways. Be sure to click the banner below to read reviews as to how other members of the crew found useful ways to incorporate them in their own homes.

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