Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Good News and Upcoming Changes
I'm happy to announce that I have once again been invited back as a Reviewer for the Homeschool Review Crew. This will mark my 6th year as a member of the Crew.
Each year, I always find myself really worried that I won't receive an invite back. Maybe that's just part of my lack of self confidence, but I always fret over it. As a member of the crew, I always try to make sure that I am honest with you, my reader, as to how I view the product. Many times, I review a product that is really a good product but my kids just do not like and I will tell you that. Other times, I might review a product that I honestly think is not well done and I will tell you that a well.. As a reviewer, I want to give you MY honest opinion on the product and not just blow smoke to make the product look amazing when it isn't. Because of this, I always worry that maybe I won't get that email inviting me back because I was too harsh on a product, that I was too honest in my opinion.
But.... I have been invited back.
And I hope that you, my readers, will continue to enjoy my honest reviews, good or bad.
But I also want to make this blog more than just reviews and what I want to cook each week. LOL
I'm hoping in the upcoming year to do much more with this blog.
I will start doing the weekly updates for what we are doing in our school, for an example. I always take photos during the week, but then I realize that the kids are almost always wearing the same clothes in almost all of them, and I'm like oooh, can't post these because it looks like they never change clothes. (The truth is, they wear their favorite outfits in the house and they change when we leave the house.. and they almost always change back into their favorite outfits when we return. *shake head*)
I'll also be trying to once again start a monthly Astronomy posts in correlation with Lepus California Observatory. It would thrill me to no end to present homeschool families with a monthly list of astronomy dates of upcoming event, such as meteor showers, that they might not otherwise be aware of. I might even begin a monthly Astronomy photography link up - allowing you to post links to photographs that you have taken throughout the month.
I'm wanting to find my niche as a homeschool blogger but I want whatever I present to you to be genuine. I feel like a fraud offering advice on how to be this perfect homeschool family, because honestly, my family is far from that. But I do want to engage with you beyond just reviews - and I hope to offer more opportunities to do that in 202.
So, here's to another year of the Crew.. and here's to making 2020 an amazing year.
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Looking forward to it