About Me and My Family
Greetings from the state of California.. My name is Brenda and I am a Native Californian Texan. What's that mean? Well, I was born in California but moved away when I was an infant, raised in the Great State of Texas and somehow managed to migrate back to California when my husband got stationed here. I am 42 years old and I am a former Respiratory Therapist. I would eventually like to return to work but the job market in this area as well as the responsibility I currently have towards my children do not make that possible at this moment.I am the proud mother of three wonderful kiddos and am working my way through trying to homeschool their education. Originally the reasoning for homeschooling was based on the fact that my special needs son could not attend public school in our area but would have to be bused to a school 45 miles away. Now, our homeschooling decision is based on the fact that I can teach them far better than I believe the Public School system can. This isn't to knock public schools but I know my kids better and can provide more individualized lessons then a teacher trying to instruct a class of 30 can.
We are an Active Duty Air Force family. My husband, Charles, has been in the Air Force for just a bit over 7 years. It is a trying lifestyle but we have a strong enough marriage to remain flexible and adaptive towards whatever is thrown our way and still manage to like each other in the process :) Charles and I have been married for 10 years. He is indeed by best friend and God could not have brought a better partner for me to share my life with, even if we didn't think God had a hand in it 14 years ago..
Meet the Rugrats
These are the reasons why I have to dye my hair to cover my greys and they are also the reasons my life is so full of love.
First is Alyssa. She was not homeschooled but graduated from the High school on base. In school she was involved with various activities such as choir, robotics and ROTC. As far as teenagers go, I cannot complain: Alyssa is a very polite and well rounded young woman. She does a wonderful job helping to take care of her younger brother and sister and helping mom around the house. Currently, Alyssa is taking a "Gap Year" and will be taking a few classes post graduation to ready herself for continuing her education at a 4 year university. She is into manga, anime, playing video games and reading.
Number 2 on our list is Garrett. Garrett is indeed the reason most of my grey hairs exist. Garrett is special needs and is Autism Spectrum. Garrett is suspected to be Einstein's syndrome and meets many of the criteria for such (but the doctors on base are not educated enough to make this diagnosis and only speculate). Garrett is 10 years old and he is smart as a whip. His favorite school subject is math and when he's not doing school he is enjoying creating worlds on Little Big Planet and Minecraft Garrett is in the 4th Grade and is homeschooled. Garrett currently wants to be a police officer when he finishes school.

I am part of the TOS Review Crew as well. Thank you to your husband and you for your service. If you ever get stationed in Idaho, look me up.
ReplyDeleteGod's Blessings,