Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.
For the last few weeks, we have been using PRIDE RED Book Program Kit – Level 3 from PRIDE Reading Program, a structured literacy and spelling program with Garrett, my reluctant/struggling reader. This Orton-Gillingham curriculum uses multi sensory methods to engage students in spelling, writing, reading and reading comprehension. The program offers 8 different books, starting with Beginning Consonants for those just beginning, followed by Book 1 Yellow, Book 2 Orange, Book 3 Red, Book 4 Purple, Book 5 Blue, the Green Primary Accelerated Review and ending with the black Reading Comprehension book. An online placement test is available on the website to find the proper level for your student.
Members of the Crew were offered their choice of the first 4 levels (Beginner, Yellow, Orange and Red). For our review, we selected the Red Book 3.
For this review, we received the following :
PRIDE Red Student Workbook - Second Edition
200 page spiral bound softcover book that contains all the word lists, sentences, stories, pages for dictation, as well as fluency lists and games used for the program.
PRIDE - Red Book Online Teaching Guide - Second Edition
Online, browser based teaching guide contains the step by step script for each activity for the PRIDE reading program.
. PRIDE - Sound Cards
Sound cards that are used for each level of PRIDE reading program. Contains consonants, vowels, consonant blends, vowel blends and more. Used throughout the program to introduce and review letters and sounds. These cards are color coded by letters and blends.
PRIDE - Letter Tiles
Color coded to coincide with the sound cards, these tiles are used for each letter sound concept, learning sound blending and word building
PRIDE Activity Kit
Contains a small white board, both black and red dry erase marker and eraser, game dice, pen, reading tracker and pencil bag. Also contains a PRIDE tote bag.
Each weeks lesson is broken into three part modules to be completed over three days. The first part (Unit 1) is the Introduction lesson that introduces the student to the new concept. On the second part (Unit 2) the student practices and reviews what they have learned, while the final part (Unit 3) is the reinforcement lesson.
For each part, the teacher logs into the website to access the day's lesson. Once logged, the teacher's dashboard will show what your last lesson was and what the next lesson will be. Simply click the next unit to go to continue with the next lesson.
The teacher will then be brought to the script for the lesson. The lessons are broken down into 9 steps. Each step is fully outlined with what materials will be used, what page in the student workbook will be worked on for that step, as well as the complete script for the step. After all steps are completed, the lesson is marked as complete and will be checked off on the teachers dashboard.
After the reinforcement lesson on the third day of the week, the student will be asked to perform a progress check. If the student gets 80% or more proficiency on this progress check, they will move on to the next module.
However, it's the Orton-Gillingham multisensory approach of this curriculum that really sets it apart from other reading programs we have used in the past. Each step for the lesson asks the student to perform different activities that challenge the way they learn. For example, some activities ask Garrett to close his eyes and listen to me saying various words. After I say the word, he has to repeat the word and then if he hears the letter sound/blend that we are working on, he raises his hand.
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Garrett Raises his hand upon hearing the Long I sound |
Other activities help to associate what he's reading to what he's writing. An example of this type of activity has me say a word aloud. Garrett then uses the white board to write lines to indicate how many syllables the word has and then he has to spell the word out. After he's writing the word out, he will underline the two parts of the word as he reads it aloud himself. Again, he is asked to do this three times before moving on to the next word/step.
Other writing activities asks Garrett to listen while I dictate sounds, words and sentences and he is required to write them on his list. But before he writes them on his paper, he has to write the sound or word on his palm first (again, multisensory learning). For the sentences, he makes lines on the whiteboard for each word in the sentence, fills in the words and then transfers that to his paper.
Yet another skill worked on with this program is reading comprehension. This is done a few different ways. Sometimes, Garrett has to read sentences or paragraphs to himself and alerts me that he has completed reading (by looking at me when he's finished). I will then ask him a very simple question in regards to what he read. Sometimes this question is comprehension and is very straight forward, sometimes the question requires Garrett to use deduction to figure out what might happen next and sometimes the question just asks for his input (for example, if the question is about the beach, I might be scripted to ask him if he enjoys going to the beach). Other activities asks Garrett to make a simple outline of the story he has just read, identifying the title and sequencing of the major topics of the story.
For these types of activities, Garrett typically writes it out on the whiteboard and then transfers it to his workbook.
Even more activities use the letter tiles to spell out words or play games. However, without a doubt, our favorite activity to do together are the phonological awareness activities. These are simple activities where I follow the given script and ask Garrett to say a word. Once he repeats the word, I will say "Now, I want you to say cry again but this time instead of /c/, say /p/ ". To this, Garrett would reply with "pry". I honestly did no think Garrett would do well with this type of activity but he's done very well.
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Garrett working on reading proficiency |
I have to say that while this program is time consuming, taking us about 45 minutes to complete a lesson, I think the program it pretty awesome and Garrett has really taken a shine to using it. Most notably, I have noticed a marked improvement in his reading comprehension from just a few weeks of using the program. The first few times we did the reading comprehension activities, he was unable to answer even the simplest questions and I would have to read the sentence with him or having him re-read it himself. Now, he's reading the sentence, looking at me and is able to answer the question I ask without any hesitation or need for my help. I really like the fact that everything is laid out as to what pages we need to work on, even the script for me to follow, and I do not need any extras to go with the program.
To learn more about PRIDE reading Program, be sure to visit their website. You can also find them on the following social media platforms:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PrideReadingProgram/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PrideReadingCo
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pridereadingprogram/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/pridereading/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCfQB_M2vL2Ebo8deuwwCrw
Members of the Crew were offered their choice of level for the PRIDE reading program. Be sure to click the banner below to read their reviews and to find out if PRIDE is right for your family.

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