Fridays tend to be our Fun Day. It always seems to end our school "week" on a high note. School week meaning our actual studies from our books. They don't know I'm sneaking learning in on the weekends, so long as its fun, but we don't consider that part of our school week.
We started the day with doing a virtual lab online through the National Geographic Website. Since we've been discussing whales this week (and will continue with it next week) we loaded up the
Blue Whale virtual lab where we were able to compare to size of a Blue whale to various objects we were familiar with. Shortly after the kids got to see the space shuttle Endeavor make its flyover and final landing here at Edwards AFB, we took a trip to the California Science Museum to go see it up close so the kids were very familiar with how big it was. One of the comparisons that the virtual lab compared the blue whale to was the space shuttle, so that was a real eye opener (the shuttle is slightly bigger, btw) and

we discussed various parts of the whales circulatory and respiratory system. The kids thought it was alot of fun and I was happy to have found this lil gem online (thank you Pinterest!!)

With actual studies done, we decided to paint our "artifacts" we made the other day. Both kids decided to paint their items black, although Ashleigh decided the inside of her dish was going to be pink. I kinda

think more paint got on the kids rather than on the things they were painting but its washable poster paint, so I'm not going to lose sleep over paint in their hair. Kids get dirty, thats what baths are for.
With our plate and mug (minus the handle thanks to Newton, our cat, knocking it off) painted and put up to dry, we proceeded to start our ocean box for the diarama that we will be working on thoughout our Zoology 2 study. While we aren't ready to start placing anything actually inside the box, we wanted to have it ready to go for next week when we are ready. Since the kids will be sharing

the box together rather than making 1 box each, we found the biggest box we could find (from a printer I bought some time back) and we lined it with blue tissue paper. Of course, halfway though we ran out of glue stick and could not find where I hid the rest of them, so we had to finish using scotch tape. We managed to get paper on all sides and everyone was happy with the outcome. The kids are really excited

about being able to put the various ocean creatures we will learn about in it.
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