There are so many wonderful scriptures in the Bible. It's one of the few books that you can put down, open up to anywhere among the many pages and find a passage that seems to speak to you directly. When you are down, when you are depressed, when you are happy, when you are celebrating: there is always something among those pages that fits your life perfectly. And sometimes, memories are associated with particular verses. Verses you might not have thought about in a while will come to revisit you and you will remember a very particular memory that you associate with that verse.
That happened to be tonight.
Last week, my friend Lisa over at Chickens, Bunnies, and Homeschool linked up with a verse from the book of Isaiah. It was one of my favorite verse when I was a child and attending Sunday school but I hadn't thought of it in a while.
"Come now, let us settle the matter," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool."
Isaiah 1:18
Back when I still attended Sunday school, I remember doing a craft to associate with this verse. It was a picture that we colored a cross with a red crayon and then we were given a piece of red film to place over the picture. When we did so, the red colors somehow cancelled each other out making the red cross in the picture appear white.
I might be wrong about the exact specifics of the craft, as that was nearly 35 years ago but I will never forget the red turning white and knowing that the blood of Christ had the power to make such a strong color as scarlet red turn snow white.
So, hopefully Lisa doesn't mind me stealing her verse for this week :) (Actually, it's her son's verse as he's memorizing them for his dedication) but when I saw it and had such a wonderful memory, I knew that God was telling me I needed to revisit this particular verse myself. .
And if anyone happens to know how to do the craft I'm talking about, please, leave me a comment about it. I would love to do it with my kids if I could remember the exacts of it..
Weekly Linkup

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